Home Mt Laurel News Mt. Laurel Township’s unofficial November election results

Mt. Laurel Township’s unofficial November election results

The unofficial results for Mt. Laurel Township’s Nov. 5 general election are in. According to the Burlington County Board of Elections, in the uncontested race for three full-term seats on the Mt. Laurel Township Board of Education, candidates Kenneth Scott Jones and Michael Wright secured spots on the board, both earning close to 50 percent of the vote. Around three percent of the vote went to personal choice as no petition was filed for the third open seat.

Candidate John Cornue ran uncontested and earned a seat on the board of fire commissioners with 99 percent of the vote.

In the race for one open, full term seat on the Burlington County Board of Chosen Freeholders democratic candidate Linda Hynes is in the lead having earned approximately 55 percent of the vote. Democratic candidate Daniel J. O’Connell looks to have earned the two year, unexpired term with the County Freeholders having earned 54.9 percent of the vote.

In the race for two open seats on the General Assembly for New Jersey’s seventh legislative district, democrats Herb Conaway and Carol Murphy each earned approximately 38 percent of the vote. Democrat Anthony Basantis leads the race for County Sheriff with 53 percent of the vote.

All results are unofficial as of the evening of Tuesday, Nov. 5 and will remain unofficial until certified by the county Board of Elections


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