The Gloucester Township Police Department is looking for individuals with a heart for public service who have a desire to join its team of professionals. This includes full time police officers, special law enforcement officers, dispatchers, volunteers in police service and crossing guards.
The department will host a recruiting open house at its headquarters located at 1261 Chews Landing Road in Laurel Springs on Wednesday, Aug. 14 from 3 to 5 p.m. to encourage future applicants and showcase law enforcement as a career.
Those attending will have an opportunity to meet officers to help answer questions about positions within the police department and the hiring process.The Gloucester Township Police Department is committed to improving the quality of life, in partnership with our community, in our town through fair and professional police services.
To reserve a spot, email [email protected]. Those who are not able to attend the event and have questions about the process may contact the GTPD Community Relations Bureau at (856) 228-4011 or [email protected].