Special Olympics soccer tryouts set for June 12

Township Tornadoes 2 will host tryouts at Washington Lake Park

On Wednesday, June 12, from 6 to 8 p.m. Township Tornadoes 2 will host tryouts for its Special Olympics soccer team at Washington Lake Park, field No. 3. 

This is the only tryout date, and athletes must attend if they are interested in playing soccer with the Tornadoes.

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Soccer is an eight-week commitment in September and October. Practices are Tuesday nights at James G. Atkinson Park, and games are on Saturdays at Riverwinds.

The team is especially looking for a goalie, and also other athletes who can play offense and defense well.

At the tryout, these are the skills that each athlete will demonstrate: offensive and defensive drills; kicking from all angles; dribbling skills; passing and shooting; endurance drills; and having lots of fun!

For questions or more information, call (856) 270-2378. 

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