Burlington County has announced that Burlington County’s Earth Fair will return to Historic Smithville Park on Sunday, June 9.
The annual event features “green” vendors, environmental displays and eco-friendly entertainment from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
“This annual event allows visitors to appreciate the beauty of Smithville Park all while learning new ways to be environmentally friendly. There is something for the entire family to enjoy,” said Burlington County Freeholder Deputy Director Balvir Singh, liaison to the Department of Resource Conservation. “If you have confidential documents to shred, bring them along and take advantage of our popular document shredding from at Smith’s Woods during the event.”
Just some of the displays and attractions include:
- A sustainable living tent, where visitors can learn about the advantages of electric cars or pick up LED bulbs for their home for a small fee, while supplies last.
- The county’s recycling tent where residents can see some of the more “peculiar” items found in recycling bins and take a turn at the recycling trivia wheel to win prizes. Residents are also encouraged to download the county’s RecycleCoach app and never miss a recycling day again, as well as become a better recycler. The app is available on iTunes and GooglePlay app stores for Burlington County residents.
- A dark room with a special UV flashlight where attendees can discover plants, invertebrates, and mushrooms that glow. Demonstrations are at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.
- WHYY’s Mike McGrath, host of “You Bet Your Garden” will be in the event’s main event tent at 1 p.m. to share his knowledge about gardening in “Attracting Pollinators and other Beneficial Beasts to you Beds.”
- Cedar Run Wildlife Refuge can also be found in the event tent talking about predators and prey in nature.
- Attendees can also make rain barrel to keep their garden green this summer while conserving water. The rain barrel workshop is 10:30 a.m. to noon. Pre-registration is required by contacting [email protected].
- Medford Memorial Middle School students will increase scientific literacy through their Citizen Science Education Program, with student advisor Vicky Gorman – the recipient of the NJ Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching.
- The new Franklin Institute’s Travelling Science Show, allowing guests to explore states of matter as a molecule and challenge ideas of what is hot and cold. Attendees can watch balloons shrink, bubbles freeze and a rubber ball shatter by using liquid nitrogen, as well as check out an interactive display on electricity, featuring experiments such as the Van de Graaff generator, plasma balls, jumping rings, and the Tesla coil.
- A vortex cannon, 3D printers, and Ozo bots, as well as fun with bubbling potions, chemical reactions, and explosions.
- Meteorologist John Marshall in the Billiard room to teach about being a weather forecaster.
- Music by Denise Sullivan, Chris Westfall, SuperLemonade, Green Planet Band and Marc Berger. Kids’ entertainment will include an obstacle course, rock wall, magic shows and more.
- Food trucks selling festival fare.
- Confidential document shredding will be 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Smith’s Woods on East Railroad Avenue.
- The Friends of the Mansion at Smithville offering tours of the Smithville Mansion for a small donation of $5 per person. Visitors can also tour the Underground Railroad Museum and take in exhibits at the Worker’s House Gallery and Annex Gallery.
For more information, visit the Parks Department website at www.co.burlington.nj.us/parks. Smithville Park is located at 803 Smithville Road in Eastampton.
The event is rain or shine and free to the public.