Mayor’s Message: Wall of Honor applications open

Voorhees Township is currently accepting applications for its Wall of Honor, located at the municipal offices, that commemorates the service of those in any way closely connected to Voorhees Township.

On October 20, 2014, Voorhees Township proudly started a tradition with the unveiling of the Voorhees Township Veterans Wall of Honor.  The wall, which is located in the Voorhees Municipal Building at the Voorhees Town Center, honors residents or members of immediate families of residents who have served in the United States Military, whether during peacetime or war.

Over the last five years, 397 veterans have been memorialized on the Wall of Honor, representing every branch of service dating back to the Civil War. Voorhees Township is very proud to honor these men and women for the sacrifices they made in leaving home, family and friends to give of themselves for our country.

The Voorhees Veterans Wall of honor is unique in that it offers more than just a name. Each veteran is honored with a plaque that includes his/her name, branch of service, date and place of service, awards/medals received, a photo, and if desired, a brief personal note about his/her service.

Voorhees plans to continue this tradition and is now accepting applications for 2019.

Eligibility is open to the following people:

  • Current residents who have completed service in the U.S. military and have been honorably discharged. National Guard members who were deployed to a combat area, have completed their service and have been honorably discharged.
  • Residents’ immediate family members who served in the U.S. military or the National Guard as stated above, and have been honorably discharged.Immediate family member means parent, spouse, sibling or child.
  • Former residents who lived in Voorhees Township at the time of entry into the military and have been honorably discharged.

Applications may be obtained at the Office of the Township Clerk in Town Hall or may be downloaded from the homepage of the Township website at township will also be sending letters to veterans who have signed up for the Veterans Tax Deduction since May of last year.

There is no cost to the veteran or the veteran’s family for this tribute and no tax dollars were used to create the wall.  The wall is made possible through private donations and volunteers.

The 2019 application deadline is Aug. 15.   Plaques will be unveiled at a ceremony scheduled for October of this year.  All applicants will receive a notice advising them of the ceremony date and time.

Should you have questions or need additional information, please contact Jeanette Schelberg at (609) 868-6338 or via email at [email protected].

We are proud to honor those who bravely served our country!

**The Voorhees Breakfast Rotary’s Annual Spring Egg Hunt will be held on Saturday, April 20 at Lions Lake Park. The fun begins at 10:30 a.m. with games, prizes and a DJ. The egg hunt will begin at 11 a.m. Children from age one through fifth grade are invited and prizes will be given to all age groups. Please bring your own baskets. For more information visit

**Camden County will be sponsoring a household hazardous waste collection program on April 13 from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Collingswood Public Works Complex, 713 N. Atlantic Avenue. The County will also be conducting a recycling event for electronics on April 27 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in Lindenwold at the Camden County Public Works Complex. For more information, call the Division of Environmental Affairs at (856) 858-5241 or check the County’s website at

** Spring Leaf Collection has begun. Dates for collection are available on the municipal website at and on our Voorhees Township Facebook page. Leaf collection is as follows: Tuesday trash day 4/8 to 4/12; Wednesday trash day 4/15 to 4/19; Thursday trash day 4/22 to 4/26; Friday trash day 4/29 to 5/3.

**The Voorhees Township Rabies Clinic will be held on May 4 from 9 a.m. to noon at the Lions Lake Complex, 101 Dutchtown Road. County resident pet owners can bring their dog or cat for a free rabies vaccination and Voorhees Township residents can obtain their yearly license at the same time. The deadline to obtain a 2019 pet license is May 10. For more information call (856) 429-7757 or visit, [email protected].

**The 11th Annual Alicia Rose Victorious 5k Run/Walk will be held on Sunday, May 19. Check in begins at 7:30 a.m. and the run/walk one-mile race will start at 9 a.m. The 5K race will start at 9:30 a.m. at Virtua Hospital, 200 Bowman Dr. in Voorhees. The cost is $30 for participants 19 and older and $15 for ages 5 to 18.  The ARVF installs Teen Lounges in hospitals throughout the world.


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