Starting on or around Friday, April 5, the Gloucester County Highway Department will be continuing their work on the 2019 Highway Overlay Program with the resurfacing of Good Intent Road from Schaeffer Avenue to the County Line, 0.53 mi. in Deptford Township.
The project, estimated to take one day to complete weather permitting, consists of milling 2 inches of the existing asphalt and overlaying the roadway with 2 inches of a new asphalt surface course. Work will begin at 6:30 a.m. and will end at 5 p.m.
In addition to the resurfacing any inlet grates not meeting NJDOT standards, inlet openings not meeting NJ Storm Water Management Guidelines, concrete sidewalk ramps that do not meet ADA standards, and the replacement of traffic striping when needed will be addressed.
During construction, the roadways will be detoured but will allow traffic to flow in one direction throughout the length of the project. The detour will be posted by the contractor. Residents will have access to their driveways at all times.
For more information contact the Gloucester County Highway Department at (856) 307-6400.