HomeMoorestown NewsWeekly Roundup: Full-day kindergarten, Anti-Bullying Lawyer top this week’s stories

Weekly Roundup: Full-day kindergarten, Anti-Bullying Lawyer top this week’s stories

Catch up on the biggest stories in Moorestown this week.

The sun sets over Strawbridge Lake on the evening of Monday, Jan. 14. The lake was completely frozen over in the frigid January temperatures.

The district is giving consideration to full-day kindergarten, and a local lawyer is standing up for victims of bullying. Catch up on everything from the past week in the Weekly Roundup.

Moorestown broaches full-day kindergarten discussion

Last year, members of the Moorestown Board of Education asked administration to investigate what implementing full-day kindergarten might look like. At the most recent board meeting, Superintendent Scott McCartney and Carole Butler, director of curriculum and instruction, presented the first glimpse.The program would also require additional staff, materials and equipment. Between the loss of revenue and these projected costs, administration anticipates the program will cost around $900,000.

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A protector of the innocent: Moorestown lawyer takes a stand for victims of bullying

From the time Stephen Pappaterra was young, he’s stood up for the little guy. Pappaterra has never believed in dulling your shine to please others.

“You’re free to show up fully in whatever it is that makes you unique,” Pappaterra said.

Pappaterra’s life philosophy is now guiding his work as well. While his practice is in estate and financial planning, Pappetera has a subspecialty in anti-bullying, which has become a pro-bono project for the 20-year Moorestown resident.


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