The workshop will take place on six Tuesday mornings beginning on Jan. 22.

For people who have Medicare and are living with diabetes, a free and interactive six-week workshop series is coming to Cherry Hill.
The free workshop series is taking place at Premier Cadbury at Cherry Hill, located at 2150 Route 38 in Cherry Hill, NJ 08002. Workshops are on Tuesdays, from Jan. 22 through Feb. 26 from 10 a.m. to noon.
Meet others going through similar experiences and learn about diabetes and its risks, preventing complications, healthy eating, exercise, medication management, dealing with stress and depression and more. Graduates from this program have lost weight, improved eating habits, started walking and reduced blood sugar levels.
Complimentary healthy snacks, literature and resources will be provided. The workshop is open to the public and all attendees must register by the second session. To register, call Yvonne Curry at (856) 667–4550.
Quality Insights offers free diabetes self-management education as part of the national Everyone with Diabetes Counts program. To learn more, visit http://qualityinsights-qin.org.