HomeWilliamstown NewsCaroline Yoder officially named WHS acting principal

Caroline Yoder officially named WHS acting principal

After originally denying the motion, BOE confirms new head at Williamstown High School

At a previous Monroe Township Board of Education meeting, the board voted to not appoint Caroline M. Yoder as acting principal at Williamstown High School.

During the superintendent’s report at last week’s meeting, Richard Perry clarified the situation.

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“It shouldn’t have been on the agenda like that the first time,” he said. “The superintendent can add duties to an administrator. Then what happens is you have to pay them what’s in their contract — that’s what happened in this case. The work was already done, so I had to honor that. There was a miscommunication with how it got on the agenda.”

Part of Perry’s superintendent’s newest report was for Yoder to be paid an hourly rate for her administrative duties.

“The difference was in the first vote, it was the salary of what a current principal was making,” Perry said. “With this , it’s an hourly rate as per the administrative contract in terms of the extra administrative duties that have been taken on.”

Board member Jeff Simpler questioned if the pay would be retroactive. Perry confirmed it would be.

The motion carried — Yoder is officially acting principal at Williamstown High School.

In other news:

  • Perry discussed some of his goals for the school district.

“The overarching statement that I would like to promote is creating pathways for student success through components of educational excellence,” he said. “In reality, what we do in education is create pathways, they go into different careers and it’s our obligation as educators to prepare all of the students for various pathways.”

  • Scott Whyte from LEAD THE WAY addressed the board about his organization.

“When there’s a need in the community, we get together, we find a way to take care of this need, we work as a group and most of the time we fix it,” he said. “Things we’ve done in the past — a couple of years ago we had a student who lives on his own. He would ride his bike to Kennedy hospital to go to work, he would get home at midnight. We raised money to get him a bus pass. Last two years, we helped eight students get caps and gowns for graduation. We were able to get sneakers for kids last year. I asked gym teachers [to] find students who may need sneakers for gym class. He told me the amount he needed, we raised money, we got sneakers for kids in the district.”

Those were just a few examples of what LEAD THE WAY does for the community.

  • The 2018–2019 Williamstown High School girls’ volleyball team will attend the Garden State Challenge Volleyball Tournament at Farleigh Dickenson University from Oct. 5 to Oct. 7. The cost will be paid by Williamstown High School Volleyball Booster Club.
  • Board President George Caruso reminded everyone there will only be one BOE meeting per month. The next meeting will be Oct. 18 at 7 p.m.
Anthony is a graduate of Rowan University and a proud freelance contributor for 08108 magazine. He has past bylines in The Sun Newspapers and the Burlington County Times.

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