The academy gives an increased understanding of the department and the work of its officers.

The Evesham Township Police Department has a question for those who live in town or those who happen to own a business within Evesham’s borders: “Ever wonder what it is like to be a police officer?”
For those who answered “yes,” department officials say the ETPD has just the class for them.
Starting Tuesday, Sept. 25, the police department is launching session No. 11 of its ongoing Citizens Police Academy program.
Started more than five years ago, the academy runs for two sessions each year in the spring and fall to give interested residents and business owners an increased understanding of the police department and the work of its officers.
The fall session of the program will begin on Tuesday, Sept. 25, and will run for eight consecutive weeks on Tuesday evenings through Tuesday, Nov. 13.
As with previous classes, the upcoming session of the academy will be held each week from 6:30 to 9 p.m. at department headquarters at the Evesham Township Municipal Complex at 984 Tuckerton Road.
According to the department’s website, while the Citizens Police Academy is not a “training class,” it can serve as an opportunity for residents to get “a behind-the-scenes look at the various functions within the Evesham Township Police Department.”
The department’s website also promotes the class as a way for citizens and business owners to become more productive in their own neighborhoods by using their knowledge gained from the program’s presentations, lectures and “hands-on” experiences.
“This is a great opportunity to get to know the members of the police department and experience a behind-the-scenes look at a nationally accredited law enforcement agency,” said police officials in a release announcing the upcoming session.
According to officials, just some of the many topics the class will cover include criminal investigation, the enforcement of traffic stops and DWI investigations, the deployment of police K-9s and the issues and considerations surrounding police use of force.
Those who participate in this class will also take a trip to the county’s 911 call center for a tour and utilize the firearms training simulator.
Those interested in applying for the upcoming session of the ETPD Citizens Police Academy can download an application on the department’s website at www.eveshampd.org or pick up an application at the department.
Those who apply for the program must be at least 18 years of age, and applicants must be a resident of Evesham Township or the owner of a business within town.
Any completed applications or those with questions about the program can email
Officer Trampe at [email protected] or Officer Libett at [email protected].
The department will accept applications for the academy through Sept. 20.