Our associate editors will soon be tracking down school leaders across South Jersey for interviews.

By Alan Bauer
The Sun
Yes, it does seem that graduation was only yesterday. But, as a trip to any local store will confirm, back-to-school season is in full swing.
In a few short weeks, thoughts will shift from Shore trips to homework, buses will hit the roads and students will get to know their new teachers. The new school year will bring change — and we at The Sun want to prepare you and your kids for that change.
Over the coming weeks, our associate editors will be tracking down school leaders across South Jersey. Their mission is to develop comprehensive stories about the upcoming school year. Basically, what’s new with the schools?
Their mission also is to address any questions or concerns you might have, so we need to hear from you. Send us your questions and, in the process of putting together their back-to-school stories, our editors will do their best to find the answers.
Are you wondering if a construction project will impact your child’s school? Are you curious how recent changes in state aid to schools might impact both the services provided by the school district and your property taxes? Are there new programs or classes you’d like more information about?
These are just a few of the questions our editors can put to school leaders, so don’t be shy about asking a question. As teachers say, or at least they used to say back in the day, if you have a question, chances are other people have the same question. Go ahead and ask.
A new school year always brings change. At times, that change might be as simple as a student getting a new teacher or having to figure out a new class schedule. At times, that change can be major, as in a construction project that affects an entire building.
Tell us what’s on your mind by sending your questions and concerns to our email address at [email protected].
Our editors will take it from there.