The contest took place on Jan. 13 at the St. Joan of Arc gymnasium.

On Jan. 13 at St. Joan of Arc gymnasium, the Knights Of Columbus: Father John P. Wessel, Council №6530 (St. Joan of Arc) and Kateri Tekakawitha, Council №122229 (St. Isaac Jogues), hosted the Council Level of the Knights’ Free Throw Championship for girls and boys ages 9 to 14.
Winners from Father John P. Wessel Council are as follows: Preston George (9-year-old boys), Ricky Bernstein (10-year-old boys), Ben Mrvica (11-year-old boys), Tyler Bergman (12-year-old boys), Luke Bernstein (13-year-old boys) and Madison Serembus (13-year-old girls).
Winners representing Kateri Tekakawitha are as follows: Paulino Apistar (10-year-old boys) and Braelyn Hoffman (13-year-old girls).
All of the above will participate in the District Level of the Free Throw Championship on Saturday, Feb. 17, at 1:30 p.m. at the St. Joan of Arc gymnasium, 100 Willow Bend Road.
The Knights of Columbus wish to thank all the entrants for their participation and wish good luck to those advancing to the District Level.
The Knights hope to see all the entrants next year, along with friends.