The Haddon Fortnightly is hosting an annual luncheon and fashion show on Saturday, March 3 at 11:30 a.m.
The Haddon Fortnightly is hosting an annual luncheon and fashion show on Saturday, March 3 at 11:30 a.m. in the Woodcrest Country Club, 300 Evesham Road located in Cherry Hill. Highlights will include a fifty-fifty raffle as well as Chinese auction baskets. Included in these baskets are great prizes and gift certificates from local merchants and friends. Fashions will be provided by Jay West in Haddonfield, J. Jill in Garden State Plaza, Chico’s in the Deptford Mall and Pearl Clutch, formerly in Haddonfield. Reservations are required and the cost is $45. For reservations, call Ann at (856) 795–0460.