Home Washington Twp. News Wedgwood Elementary second-graders entertain, enjoy feast

Wedgwood Elementary second-graders entertain, enjoy feast

The students sang a variety of songs and read poems with Thanksgiving themes at the school’s annual Thanksgiving Feast

Wedgwood Elementary School second-graders sing the opening song, “We Are Thankful,” during Tuesday’s Thanksgiving Feast program.

Wedgwood Elementary School second-graders got an early start on celebrating Thanksgiving Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 21, serenading their families with festive tunes before noshing on snacks at the school’s annual Thanksgiving Feast.

In front of a full multi-purpose room of adoring parents and relatives, the students sang a variety of songs and read poems with Thanksgiving themes. All the students wore lanyards representing food, such as pumpkins, grapes, pears, apples and corn. They ceremonially placed those items into a cornucopia during one of the songs.

After the program, the students dined on various snacks provided by the Wedgwood PTO. The program was created by second-grade teacher Leslie Mitcham.

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