Home Moorestown News Letter to the Editor: Mara Fiarman Jacobs

Letter to the Editor: Mara Fiarman Jacobs

Jacobs explains why Kameron Rabenou brings a fresh perspective to the board.

I have lived in Moorestown for close to 20 years raising two children through the Moorestown schools and have been active in the township and schools for the same amount of years. My decisions on who to vote for each year for Moorestown Board of Education are not decisions I take lightly. For one of my votes this year, however, it was a simple choice: I will without a doubt be casting a vote for Kameron Rabenou.

Kameron and his family are passionate supporters of the arts, and I believe that is an essential quality from a board member. If elected, Kameron will be a champion for arts education and programming, ensuring that the creativity of Moorestown’s children will be nurtured and encouraged. Kameron has pledged to work collaboratively with Moorestown’s many arts organizations and nonprofits in his role and ensure that their concerns and suggestions will be heard.

Kameron will also bring forth a unique perspective as someone who operates and manages a trade school. Too often, trade education courses — classes such as woodshop, cooking and the like — are seen as nonessential. That should not be the case. Preparing Moorestown’s children for the world means realizing that not every child will ultimately pursue a desk job. Because of his daily work, Kameron understands that fact and will be a critical voice in future discussions on this topic.

Finally, Kameron is a person with a warm heart, kind nature and a deep love for his children. No item on his extensive resume matters more to him than the role of father to his daughters. Kameron is running in this election because he wants to put our town’s students first, and there is no cause more admirable.

If you would like more information about Kameron, please visit his Facebook page at www.Facebook.com/KameronForKids.

Kameron Rabenou truly is the RIGHT choice for Moorestown. I kindly ask that you consider a vote for him on Tuesday, Nov. 7.

Mara Fiarman Jacobs

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