HomeNewsHaddonfield NewsWeekly Roundup: New school year ahead, ‘Haddonfield Rocks’ top this week’s stories

Weekly Roundup: New school year ahead, ‘Haddonfield Rocks’ top this week’s stories

Catch up on the biggest stories in Haddonfield this week.

A resident is hiding rocks around town in an effort to spread some kindness, and with a new school year comes a new curriculum and climate within the Haddonfield school district. Catch up on everything from the past week in the Weekly Roundup.

Climate, curriculum and construction mark changes for 2017–2018 school year

Following a summer of extensive referendum construction making the schools un-enterable at times, the doors of all five schools will reopen on Monday, Sept. 11 to begin a school year geared toward “student-centered” instructional strategies, according Haddonfield Superintendent of Schools Richard Perry. When students and faculty return, the most visible change will undoubtedly be the physical alterations that took place over the summer, Perry said. While the construction may be the most visible change, curriculum changes have the district thinking about how to continue to excel academically, Perry said.

Resident ‘rocking’ community kindness, spreading inspirational stones throughout town

Terry Migrala is on a quiet mission to spread a little kindness throughout Haddonfield. Migrala’s goal is to get the Haddonfield community engaged in the “Kindness Rocks” project. The concept is simple: If you find one of the painted rocks, you upload a photo of it to the Haddonfield Rocks Facebook page with #HaddonfieldRocks. The rock’s discoverer can then either hide the rock again with a clue on the page as to where to find it or or keep the rock. In addition, anyone in the community can join in on the fun by painting their own rock to contribute to the game.

Haddonfield Religious Leaders Series: Reverend Bill Getman

Rev. Bill Getman who has served as pastor of Haddonfield’s First Presbyterian Church since 2002, said his journey toward becoming a pastor was “a slow, unfolding process.” Raised in a small Minnesota farm town until the time he was a teenager, Getman said his family was always active in their local Presbyterian Church, but he didn’t particularly share in their interest. It was later, at the encouragement of some of the people in his life, Getman attended Princeton Theological Seminary.


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