The presentation will focus on keeping children safe from sexual assault on college campuses. It will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Katz JCC.

Do you have a son or daughter attending college? Do you have a friend or relative with a child in college? Are you visiting colleges and trying to figure out which college is the best and safest fit for your child?
On Monday, May 1, the Jewish Family and Children’s Service Project SARAH Program invites community members to attend the free presentation of Protect U and Yours: Keeping Your Children Safe from College Campus Assault. The program will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Katz JCC’s social hall.
JFCS Project SARAH Program has presented to almost 1000 students in area high schools about sexual assault on college campus and how to protect them. According to surveys given out at those presentations, less than one percent inquired about — or knew — the sexual assault policy of the college they were thinking of attending. Additionally, only one percent of students said they had discussed consent in their households. Protect U and Yours will help parents and guardians answer the following, and help them to have conversations with their college-age children:
· Are you familiar with the ‘Yes means Yes’ affirmative consent law?
· What does a college campus do to keep your children safe?
· What are the students’ rights if they get assaulted at college?
· How can safety planning, phone apps, and technology help keep students safe?
The event will include a panel of experts, including a Title IX specialist and college detective. There will be a cupcake bar provide by JFCS’ Soups and Sweets Special Needs Culinary Training Program.
Attendance is free, but registration is required. To register, visit www.JFCSSNJ.org/protectu.