Home Moorestown News Letter to the Editor: Edwin Begg

Letter to the Editor: Edwin Begg

Over 20 million Americans are worried sick about losing their healthcare. Republicans are on track with a detailed plan to kill Obamacare, but not even with an outline of a plan to replace it.

Here is what the key Republican players have said about the replacement plan:

  • President-elect Donald Trump: The twitter-in-chief tweets, “That clown Schumer…” No mention of sick people needing healthcare.
  • Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Paul Ryan: An economics 101 college professor who drones on and on about tax credits. No mention of sick people who need healthcare.
  • Senator Mitch McConnell: Starts eight years ago with a firm challenge which has not changed, “Job one is to make sure that Obama is a one term president.” No mention of sick people needing healthcare.

One comes away with an understanding of the Republican healthcare plan as being, “Don’t get sick. If you do get sick, cooperate and die early.” Just imagine what the plan would be if the Republicans weren’t “God-fearing Christians.”

Since our Congressman Tom MacArthur has many, many constituents who will be affected, and I hope he will accept responsibility for coming up with a plan that will be implemented at the same time as his Republican colleagues vote to kill Obamacare.

Never criticize without offering alternatives. Here are mine for Congressman MacArthur to consider: adopt Medicare-for-all and offer access to the same healthcare system that he and all members of Congress enjoy.

Both of the above alternatives have several benefits. They work, users are happy, costs are controlled, administrative systems are in place and they can be implemented with a simple one page Congressional bill.

What will Congressman MacArthur do? His constituents should contact him to encourage him to do the right thing.

Respectfully yours,

Edwin F. Begg

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