HomeMoorestown NewsParks and Recreation Column

Parks and Recreation Column

This month, the Department of Parks and Recreation is pleased to announce another dedication in our local parks. As a member of this community, the Department is pleased to work with many groups and organizations to provide services and facilities that are welcoming to all residents. On Saturday, Oct. 29 at 11 a.m. the Department will acknowledge Troop 21279 for their hard work on their Bronze Award project, the Kindness Benches.

These benches were a true labor of love for this young group of girls, who were inspired to promote and spread kindness throughout the town. As with many projects that begin with a modest goal in mind (in this case, the creation of two benches for the Moorestown Upper Elementary School) this project grew in response to the energy and enthusiasm of the girls involved. The result? The creation of five benches, all with differing designs to inspire happiness and kindness.

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All five benches have been donated to the Moorestown lower elementary schools and the Jeff Young Park. In addition to washing, sanding, designing and painting the troop made the decision to donate the benches to areas where young children might find themselves in need of a friend. The troop graciously included the Department of Parks and Recreation in their circle.

Over the last three years, the Department has adopted the slogan, “All In.” The phrase “All In” refers to the Department’s initiative to provide accessible, quality programs for all residents of Moorestown. “All In” is a means of conveying the Department’s 100 percent effort to remain accessible. “All In” refers to the heart of all Recreation participants who give 100 percent whether it is through Recreation Soccer, the Recreation Commercial Kitchen, or Boot Camp. And “All In” conveys the importance of unity within the community. This community is a strong, caring and vibrant community and it depends on all of those in it to maintain that characteristic. The Department of Parks and Recreation is honored to have been selected by Junior Troop 21279 to receive one of these benches.

So thank you to Junior Girl Scout Troop 21279 for their generous contribution and for being a part of this thoughtful community. Please join us at the dedication on Saturday, Oct. 29 to help us to thank this committed group of young ladies and their troop leaders.


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