Meet the Candidates for Shamong Township Committee: Week 1

As the Shamong Township Committee has a contested election this year, with two open seats and four candidates running in the November 2016 election, the Shamong Sun newspaper is hosting a Meet the Candidates series, where candidates are given a series of questions having to do with Shamong Township so residents may get to know who could possibly be on the council for next year.

Below are profiles of each of the candidates:


Name: Jeannette M. Amodeo

Age: 54

Occupation: Attorney Political

Affiliation: Democrat

Clubs/Organizations you belong to: Current board member and former president of Lakeside Business Park Condominium Association; current Seneca Youth Football League head of coaches / league representative in the West Jersey Football League; and assistant coach 115-pound weight class — Mom’s Taxi.

Why are you running for Township Committee?

I am a write-in candidate, and I am answering the call. I have practiced law for 27 years, and I am qualified for the position. A woman has not been on the committee for years. Women think a little differently from men, and a fresh perspective is a positive change for Shamong.

If elected, what would be your top priority?

Greater community involvement. Council meetings are sparsely attended. Our Township Committee has a big plate and a small budget. We need to get residents interested in coming to more meetings so we can hear their input. The community is better served when the community brings its voice to the table.



Name: Michael S. Di Croce

Age: 58

Occupation: Shamong attorney and business owner

Political Affiliation: Republican

Clubs/Organizations you belong to: Burlington County Bar Association, general counsel to local non-profit Abby’s Angel’s Kisses, NRA, admitted to practice United States Supreme Court, United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, United States Eastern District Court of Pennsylvania, United States District Court for the District of New Jersey, Supreme court of Pennsylvania, Supreme Court of New Jersey, New Jersey Bar Association, current deputy mayor of Shamong Township, former member of Shamong Zoning and Planning board.

Why are you running for Township Committee?

I want to continue to serve our neighbors by monitoring and supporting our schools and educational programs; keeping a limit on government spending; protecting civil liberties; supporting state police, fire and EMS; creating a responsive government to residents; and promoting the enjoyment and protection of our Pinelands, history of Indian Mills, scenic diversity and beauty.

If elected, what would be your top priority?

Making Shamong more friendly to its residents; lowering property taxes; keeping unnecessary government intrusion out of your private business; road repairs; bike trails; supporting local businesses; respecting private property rights; promoting and protecting our beautiful Wharton Forest to visitors; and making our town business friendly to help raise new business tax revenues.



Name: Timothy Gimbel

Age: 50

Occupation: Business development — software industry

Political Affiliation: Republican

Clubs/Organizations you belong to: Indian Mills Athletic Association, Shamong Township Land Use Board and current mayor of Shamong Township

Why are you running for Township Committee?

My parents have taught me that serving your community helps you grow as an individual. I want to continue the process of financial responsibility for the taxpayers of Shamong by keeping government involvement to a minimum. And I want to continue to protect the beauty and history of our town.

If elected, what would be your top priority?

1) Continued financial management, must keep property taxes in check. The financial support at the state and federal levels continues to decline. 2) Road repair, our infrastructure must be brought up to date. 3) We must create new sources of revenue for our township, without changing the small town landscape that we enjoy.



Name: Robert Rinaldi

Age: 24

Occupation: Assistant resident camp director

Political Affiliation: Democrat

Why are you running for Township Committee?

I’m running for Township Committee because our local government resembles a social club more than a representative body fighting to improve the lives of the residents of Shamong. Our local government has an obligation to fight harder, to do more and to better represent those who call Shamong home.

If elected, what would be your top priority?

If elected, my top priority would be to reorient the committee toward service to the residents of Shamong. This means more transparency by utilizing the Internet to publish the committee’s proposals and decisions. This would mean direct election of the mayor and deputy mayor by the residents of Shamong.


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