Check here for a list of guidelines that are to be followed in regards to bulk trash collection.
DPW will be conducting their quarterly bulk trash collection on Oct. 3 through Oct. 6. The following guidelines are to be followed in regards to bulk trash:
• Bulk trash is defined as any item of refuse that is too large to fit into a normal refuse container and which cannot be recycled.
• Debris items such as carpet or painted standard lumber must be cut into 4-foot lengths, bundled and tied.
• Bundles cannot exceed 40 pounds. Lumber will be limited to 4 bundles.
• Standard unpainted /untreated lumber is recyclable and cannot be collected in bulk trash. This material may be disposed of at the Public Works Recycling Facility during operating hours.
• Residents are asked to place bulk items at the curb, away from the regular refuse containers and any other obstacle.
• Pressure treated wood, televisions and computer monitors, along with household paint and used motor oil, are all considered hazardous waste and cannot be placed curb side for bulk trash collection. Residents may bring these items to the Public Works facility during operating hours. Hazardous substances such as paint and used motor oil will be accepted the first Saturday of each month, between the hours of 8:00 AM and 1:00 PM.
• No Construction materials/debris