Home Moorestown News Chief Lee Lieber Spoke on Active Shooter Situations

Chief Lee Lieber Spoke on Active Shooter Situations


On Wednesday, Sept. 7, Moorestown Police Department Chief Lee Lieber visited the Moorestown Rotary Breakfast Club to speak about how to survive an Active Shooter situation. The Moorestown Police department, along with other local police departments, work with local businesses and the schools to help them prepare, train and create action plan. During the speech and video Chief Lieber addressed:

Good practices for coping with an active shooter including:
– Be aware of your environment and possible dangers- Take note of the two nearest exits in any facility you visit- If you are in an office and unable to evacuate, stay there and secure the door
– If you are in the hallway, get into a room and secure the door
– As a last resort to save yours or another persons life, attempt to take the active shooter down when the shooter is at close range and you cannot flee. Use anything at hand such as books, chairs, and fire extinguishers.

How to respond when an active shooter is in your vicinity:
– Evacuate
– Hide
– Prevent the shooter from entering your hiding place

How to respond when law enforcement arrives:
– Officers will arrive in teams of two to four
– Remain clam, and follow officers instructions
– Put any items in your hands down
– Immediately raise hands
– Keep hand visible
-Avoid making quick movements

For additional information, please contact Chief Lieber or the Moorestown Police Department at (856) 914–3035 or llieber@moorestownpd.com

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