HomeTabernacle NewsTabernacle Elementary School Ronald McDonald House Collection

Tabernacle Elementary School Ronald McDonald House Collection

Tabernacle Elementary School Ronald McDonald House Collection

Ronald McDonald House 1

For the ninth consecutive year the staff and students of the Tabernacle Elementary School helped support the Camden New Jersey Ronald McDonald House in their “Change the Luck of a Child” campaign.

Individual grade levels collected specific items to help stock the cabinets for parents and families using the facilities. Some of the items collected included: drink boxes, individual snack packs, paper plates, napkins, paper towels, toilet paper, tissues and trash bags.

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In addition, our students participated in the “Change the Luck of a Child Coin Collection” by depositing their coins left over from lunch, or from their piggy banks, in their grade level collection jars. We collected a total of $750 — an all time record. While first grade collected the most money, all the students deserve recognition for their fantastic efforts! This donation was gratefully received by the staff at the center and will be put to good use in supporting the families staying there.

The collection of coins and supplies compliments our yearlong collection of pop-tabs from soda, soup and other canned products. Pete Capelli, a local business man from Russo’s Farm collects the pop-tabs all year long from customers and then brings them to the school to add to our collection. Each year the staff of the Ronald McDonald House are wowed by our school and community’s donations.

Nine fourth graders accompanied by Dr. Paterson took the collected items to the Camden facility on March 24. After the staff assisted the students in unloading the van, the students were given a tour of the facility before they returned to school. Our students were all very impressed with the work that the facility does to help parents of very ill children.

Our district’s mission statement states that we will educate students for a lifetimeand we believe that a well-rounded education is one that includes developing in each child an awareness of the larger community around us and a sense of charity towards those in that community.


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