County Clerk Tim Tyler announced today that the Burlington County Clerk’s Office has completed its initial mailing of 2,816 Primary Election ballots. “Any voter who has requested a ballot for the June 2 Primary Election through Friday, April 17 should receive that ballot any day now,” said Tyler. “My office began issuing ballots on Tuesday, April 14, starting with Military and Overseas UOCAVA voters with e-mail ballots sent on the next day. Civilian ballot mailing also began the 15th.” Voters should receive their ballots by the end of next week. “If a voter does not receive an expected ballot, we hope they would call the Clerk’s Office as soon as possible,” said Tyler. “We are able to check their application status and have many more options available now to make sure an applicant has the ability to cast their ballot than we will have when Election Day is right around the corner.”
Voters still have ample time to apply for a Primary Election Vote By Mail ballot. In order to have a ballot mailed to them, voters need to be sure their completed Vote By Mail application is received in the County Clerk’s Office by May, 26, seven days prior to the election. After that, voters may apply in person or by authorized messenger in the Clerk’s office until 3 p.m. the day before the election. Voters are reminded that they must have the assistor portion (section 11) of the Vote By Mail application filled out if they receive any help in completing the application. A voter may select one or both of two options for future Vote By Mail ballots in section 10 of the application. Option A entitles the voter to receive a ballot for all elections in the same calendar year of their application. This option must be renewed every year by completing a new application. Option B entitles a voter to receive a ballot for all future General Elections. This option does not expire until the voter requests they no longer be sent.
The Vote By Mail application is available by selecting “Election Services” on the County Clerk’s website www.co.burlington.nj.us/countyclerk. Voters may also have an application mailed to them by calling the Clerk’s Office Elections Section at (609) 265–5229.