Hello and I apologize for taking 4 months this year to speak to you. The subject I have been wanting to communicate is about the condition of our roads and what your Township Committee is going to do about it. But first, a huge shout out to our guys in the DPW for plowing the roads beautifully this winter. Once again, we all knew when we were back in Shamong due to our roads being dry and safe. Thank you Snookie and Gary and crew!
It’s been a rough and cold winter and now that spring is here so are the potholes. I am sure most of you have encountered doing a serpentine on Stokes Road near Oak Shade or on Oak Shade near Stokes. These are county owned roads and they are the ones responsible for maintaining them, thankfully for our budget. However, it does nothing to help us avoid losing tires in the meantime. Sue Onorato has been told by the county they are budgeting to have these roads repaved in the spring of 2016. So, we are going to fill the potholes the best we can with asphalt patch and other materials to make the driving safer.
The Township Committee has elected to do a roadway micro sealant on a bunch of roads in town that are not in bad shape, but with this very cost effective solution, we can keep these roads in good condition for an extra 5 to 10 years. Additionally, we are currently looking at the list of roads that need work and are developing a budget for this work. The Committee is looking at different ways to get as many roads repaired or repaved as possible in the shortest amount of time; utilizing the revenue we normally receive, creative loans, and other means. Nothing has been determined or approved as yet. However, there will be a program developed this year and our residents will be invited to a meeting to learn more about it.
And we are applying to the NJDOT for funding for specific road repaving issues again this year. We applied last year and received funding for Tuckerton Road in conjunction with Tabernacle. I am hopeful we will get more funding this year for other road projects. Please be patient and be safe on those roads that can swallow your car.
Kenneth Long, Mayor