Home Mt Laurel News Mt. Laurel couple share love story with community

Mt. Laurel couple share love story with community

Our love story is probably not what you expected, but it is a story of love nevertheless. Pat is 79 and I am approaching 83 and we’ve been a couple under one roof for over 2 years. Neither one of us has forgotten our first loves. Pat was married for more than 50 years and I was married more than 58 years. Bob was taken from Pat 11 years ago and my Adele passed four years ago.

I met Pat during her period of grief at a Bridge lesson. She had been playing a long time and I came to learn the game. And we continued as Bridge partners ever since. But that’s not all we share. Car trips (she drives, I navigate), cruises, family events, movies, (rentals and first run), plays, music recitals, TV shows, etc. Most importantly we communicate. There is nothing we don’t talk about and nothing we hide from one another.

At this point in our lives, “love” has a new different meaning. It’s about trust, shared interest, mutual respect, understanding, and above all, companionship.

Our children and grandchildren, and our friends have come to understand and accept our relationship. Though we are both financially and physically healthy, marriage is not an economically feasible option.

On our first “date” I treated Pat to a hot dog at Costco. She has never let me forget it! We’ve had a little better since.

Leon Pickus

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