HomeMt Laurel NewsMt. Laurel could explore new agreement with MUA

Mt. Laurel could explore new agreement with MUA

After a number of years of having the Mt. Laurel Municipal Utilities Authority maintain the township’s underdrains, Mt. Laurel officials said they may be willing to hand those underdrains off to the MUA.

Mt. Laurel Council said it is open to exploring a new agreement with the MUA, giving it control of the township’s underdrains.

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Under the current agreement, the township is responsible for maintenance and upkeep of underdrains and pays the MUA to perform maintenance and repair work. Underdrains are found in certain developments such as Ramblewood and Mill Run.

When an underdrain fails or is need of repair, township officials notify the MUA a repair is needed. Township manager Maureen Mitchell described the MUA’s role in the current agreement as “reactive, not proactive.”

Council was not willing to commit to fully exploring a new agreement at last night’s council meeting because of a lack of information on the subject. Members of council were concerned about cost and requirements the MUA may spring on homeowners if it controls the underdrains. Councilman Jim Keenan said he wouldn’t be in favor if a new agreement was going to cost taxpayers down the road.

Another issue council was curious about was the exact number of underdrains in the township. Mitchell said there is no accurate number of how many underdrains are in the township.

“Their records have never been maintained,” Mitchell said.

Handing underdrain maintenance completely to the MUA could have a number of effects. The township would not be responsible for insurance claims or maintenance costs. Mitchell did acknowledge the township would have the talk with the MUA more closely about how much maintenance would be expected.

Even if the township doesn’t craft a new agreement with the MUA, the MUA will continue to maintain the underdrains. Mitchell said the township does not have any staff available to maintain pump stations or underdrains.

“We don’t have the personnel to maintain them or the knowledge base,” Mitchell said.

Township officials are expected to submit more information regarding costs to council leading up to their next meeting on Jan. 26.

Council considering nominees for New Good Neighbor Award

Mt. Laurel council is exploring candidates to the nominated for the New Jersey Business and Industry Association 2015 New Good Neighbor Awards. The annual awards recognize new commercial and industrial projects chosen based on economic benefit, job creation, architectural merit and community involvement.

Mitchell suggested nominating Lifetime Fitness, a new gym slated to open later this year on Fellowship Road. She said the gym will have a huge impact on the commercial redevelopment of the area.

However, other members of council felt the township should take a look at businesses that have already opened.

“Let’s nominate someone who’s created jobs or has been a sponsor at Fall Festival,” Keenan said.

Council is expected to gather a list of candidates and make a final decision on a nominee at its Jan. 26 meeting. The NJBIA’s deadline for nominations is Feb. 2.

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