HomeMt Laurel NewsMt. Laurel attorney named leading women entrepreneur

Mt. Laurel attorney named leading women entrepreneur


The Law Offices of Charny, Charny and Karpousis, a firm concentrating in divorce and family law practice based in Mt. Laurel, has announce managing and founding partner, Judith S. Charny, has been named a 2014 Top New Jersey Leading Women Entrepreneur. She is one of 25 honorees whose professional accomplishments and community support were celebrated at the Leading Women Entrepreneurs and Business Owners recognition event, Rising to New Heights, on Thursday Dec. 4th at Fiddlers Elbow Country Club in Bedminster.

According to the group’s website, the New Jersey Leading Women Entrepreneurs Initiative was developed in 2011 to recognize female business owners who excel in areas of market potential, innovation, community involvement and advocacy for women. The statewide program looks to recognize entrepreneurial excellence, service and leadership as a way to educate through example and encourage more women to strive towards their business dreams. Leading Women Entrepreneurs celebrates diverse business, role models and raises awareness for New Jersey’s women leaders who are positively impacting the economy.


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