Medford Community Center to host quarterly art exhibits beginning in Sept.
The Medford Arts Center has partnered with the Medford Community Center and will hang quarterly art exhibits in the center’s public spaces. First up will be Medford artist Diane Wallace, well known for her vibrant watercolors and acrylics. Wallace’s show will open on Sunday afternoon, Sept. 7 with a meet-the-artist reception and painting demonstration from 2 to 4 p.m. Refreshments will be served. The event is free and reservations are not required.
Just a short walk up Main Street, The Medford Arts Center will be showing “Metro 30,” a traveling show from Newark’s City Without Walls. Like each of the annual Metro shows, it will feature small works by artists from the entire metropolitan region and will travel to venues in New Jersey throughout the year. Medford is the southernmost site for the exhibit. The Metro 30 show will open with a reception on Friday evening, Sept. 5, starting at 6 p.m. Refreshments will be included and there is no charge to attend.
Works from the center’s annual Paint Our Town contest will be shown in the MAC’s Gazebo Gallery. The plein air contest was held at Medford Leas in June.
The MAC offers art classes, musical concerts, poetry readings and special events. For information on all its activities, visit the website at www.medfordartscenter.org or call (609) 654–6485.