HomeVoorhees NewsVoorhees residents sniff out Relay for Life events in other towns

Voorhees residents sniff out Relay for Life events in other towns


A Relay for Life event may not have taken place in Voorhees this year, but that didn’t stop the people of Voorhees from finding a Relay event where they could continue to raise money for the American Cancer Society and the fight against cancer.

According to Jeanette Golden, chairperson of the Voorhees Relay for Life, this year the Voorhees Relay had problems with its venue, so the teams simply joined the event in Marlton on May 31 instead.

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“We have incredible teams and an incredible mayor who supports the entire Voorhees Relay, and we are just so grateful that Marlton allowed us to come on over and be celebrated,” Golden said.

Even with having to move the Voorhees participants outside town, this year about nine Voorhees teams and more than 40 participants were still able to raise more than $13,000.

Golden is no stranger to finding ways to make Relay for Life events happen. She was the one who started the first Voorhees Relay event three years ago.

“When I moved to Voorhees, there was no Relay or anything like that, and I guess it was in my blood,” Golden said. “It was something that I really admire, how they support survivors and honor those who didn’t make it.”

Golden, a three-time cancer survivor, said Relay events are a great way for cancer survivors to come together and find others they can relate to.

“Unless you’ve ever heard the words ‘you’ve got cancer,’ you can love somebody, care about them, pretend to know, but unless you’ve heard those words you don’t get it,” Golden said. “We’re not asking for ‘I’m sorry,’ but to know that the other person has a camaraderie with us.”

Golden said the people at the events without cancer also do a great job honoring the survivors and making them feel amazing.

“The survivors are honored, they get a free t-shirt, the get a free luncheon, and everything is free,” Golden said. “We’re here to boost everybody up that is a survivor, and it makes survivors realize you’re not alone. So much of the time we all fight on our own. We go to the clinic, we get our chemo, we get our radiation, and then we’re gone. This actually brings people together for such an amazing cause. “

For those unsure about Relay events, Golden encourages people to look out for future Relays and to go to a Luminaria ceremony, the part of the event where those with cancer or those who have died because of the disease are remembered with a candle inside a bag placed along the track and lit after dark.

“This is such an amazing community event, and I encourage people to look out for any Relay for Life event and to come out to the Luminaria ceremony,” Golden said. “Take one lap around when the Luminaria is starting — it will change your life. You can’t explain that to anybody, you have to be here, you have to experience it.”

Golden said next year there will once again be a Voorhees Relay event in town, and she hopes to see many people there because anybody can participate.

“Walk a lap every once and awhile,” Golden said. “It’s life changing … anybody can do it. I’ve seen people in wheelchairs, I’ve seen people with canes, I’ve seen people who were helped around the track. Anybody can be a part of the Relay for Life.”


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