In conjunction with their year long Tricentennial Celebration, the Partnership for Haddonfield is hosting a “Three Hundred Reasons I Love Haddonfield” contest.
The Partnership for Haddonfield is collecting 300 reasons why the public loves Haddonfield. They are seeking entries on why people love to shop and dine in Haddonfield. All entries will be entered to win a $300 Haddonfield town-wide gift certificate.
The contest started during Haddonfield’s Girls’ Night Out! spring event on Thursday, March 21 and will end during their Girls’ Night Out! fall event on Thursday, Oct. 3.
To enter, visit and complete the online entry form.
All entries will be posted on the website and the winner will be announced at 8:30 p.m. by the DJ in Kings Court on Thursday, Oct. 3.
For more information about the Partnership for Haddonfield and the town of Haddonfield, visit