HomeNewsMoorestown NewsLetter: Resident expresses support for Republicans

Letter: Resident expresses support for Republicans

I am writing to express my belief that this year, working class families like mine should support the Republican team running for office. My family has been in the building trade unions for years. My granddad and my dad were both blue-collar union guys like myself, and I have proudly carried on that tradition. My entire life, I was raised to believe that the Democrats had our best interest at heart. But lately this is not the case. Democrats have chosen too often to side against the private sector unions — the carpenters, the steamfitters, the plumbers, and the electricians. They have voted for and moved against major initiatives that would put our men and women back to work. Private sector union workers are currently at 25 percent unemployment in New Jersey, but Republicans from Governor Christie on down are putting us back to work and moving forward to create new jobs. Congressman Jon Runyan has been a strong labor supporter in the US Congress with projects like the keystone pipeline, and he has my support. Freeholder Bruce Garganio, a carpenter himself, along with Mary Ann O’Brien, deserve another term as our County Freeholders, as they have defended the working class families through their actions in the past three years. Lastly, here in Moorestown, working families need to support Garwood, Napolitano, and Palko for Town Council. They care about representing the entirety of the town, from white collar to blue collar families, and have ideas to support our education system, move forward on local projects and put people back to work, and pull in our taxes so that families like mine can afford to stay in town. Lifelong Democrats like myself need to support Runyan, Garganio, O’Brien, Garwood, Napolitano, and Palko. Our homes, our jobs, and our families depend on it.

Joe Johnson


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