HomeNewsHaddonfield NewsIndulgence Cupcakery to be featured on the Food Network

Indulgence Cupcakery to be featured on the Food Network

Lead baker Theresa Hrivnak with the help of cupcake artist Joseph Halloran, from the local premier cupcake specialty shop Indulgence Cupcakery, will be competing on an episode of ‘Cupcake Wars’ season 6: Wild Aid airing on the Food Network on Aug. 5 at 8 p.m.

The duo will compete with four bizarre but effective combinations of flavors. Both Hrivnak and Halloran were surprised to hear what respected international chef Florian Bellanger had to say about a few of their creations, in some cases rendering Hrivnak speechless on stage. Hrivnak and Halloran had to choose ingredients from an exotic list and combine them in a way that would wow the judges with their decadent, artistically designed flavor.

On Cupcake Wars, four of the country’s top cupcake bakers face off in three elimination challenges until only one decorator remains. The sweet prize: $10,000 and the opportunity to showcase their cupcakes at the winning gig. Whether a special Ace of Cakes anniversary celebration, a star-studded magazine party or an A-list celebrity golf tournament, these Cupcakes Wars really heat up. Candace Nelson (owner of Sprinkles Cupcakes) and Florian Bellanger (chef and co-owner of online macaroon company MadMac) serve as permanent judges with a third rotating judge each week, and Justin Willman hosts.

Indulgence Cupcakery was founded in 2009 and is family owned and operated premier specialty bakery. After much success in catering weddings, birthdays, showers and corporate functions, they opened the doors to the first storefront located just behind Haddonfields very own Hadrosaurus statue, lovingly named Haddy in 2010. Indulgence specializes in made from scratch cupcakes created with only the highest-grade ingredients. They take pride in a commitment to tradition, quality, and passion for baking that can be tasted in all of the gourmet treats that leave their shop. Indulgence Cupcakery is an experience not just a destination.

After receiving an English degree from Rutgers University and experiencing time in a cubical, Theresa Hrivnak’s entrepreneurial spirit and love for cupcakes was telling her that it was for a change. This led her to take a culinary class where she received her Culinary Certificate. Theresa’s education, paired with ever-present love of baking for friends and family, gave way to a reality that began as a dream. Indulgence Cupcakery was born soon thereafter.

Spending years as a photographer and a designer after graduating St. Joseph’s University, Joseph Halloran found an opportunity to assist Theresa in creating the look and feel the new venture. Joe found himself learning the in an outs of baking from his partner, until he too found himself engulfed in the wide world of cupcakes.

Will Indulgence Cupcakery win this war? Or eat cake? Find out on the Food Network. Theresa and Joe will be at PJ Whelihan’s Resteraunt and Pub in Haddonfield from 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. The televisions will be turned to the Food Network so the battle can be seen. Cupcakes will be provided (though may not last long!), so come one, come all, come early and of course, come ready to heckle!


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