Home Medford News Medford mayor: Get ready for summit Monday

Medford mayor: Get ready for summit Monday

Medford really is the best place to live.

Much has been said about where is the best place to live. Realtors tell you its “location, location, location.”

Songs evoke the love of our hometowns: “New York, New York,” “My kind of town, Chicago Is.”

I have lived in several states (Tennessee, Illinois, Florida, Maryland, Virginia, California, Mississippi and New Jersey). I have traveled the world and visited 32 different countries and over 60 cities worldwide.

I would describe most of them as “A great place to visit but I wouldn’t want to live there.” That is not a phrase I would use to describe any place in this great country.

America, specifically Medford, is a great country/community and despite what some might think it is not the government that makes it great, it is the people. Unlike any place in the world the people of this country band together in difficult times and solve their problems themselves.

Unlike the rest of the world who looks to their government to fix it.

Our country’s strength is in its people and the ability to overcome even the most challenging obstacles. We the people created and maintain this country, not some faceless government agency.

It is our sense of community and civic pride, our love of country that causes us to band together for the common good. Medford demonstrates this daily in its professional organizations, in its civic organizations and in its business community.

The people that volunteer their time to enrich the lives of their neighbors are what truly make Medford a wonderful town.

On Feb. 27 at 9 a.m. (registration starts at 8:30) at the YMCA Camp, Ockanickon, there will be a summit of community groups consisting of business, civic and government organizations that will be working on strengthening that community bond and volunteer spirit that have and will continue to make Medford the best place to live.

Next week: ”How much will it cost to get out of this financial hole?”

Mayor Randy Pace

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