Home Moorestown News What the friends are for

What the friends are for

In the edition of The Moorestown Sun dated April 20–26, it was reported that a $250,000 pledge from the Friends of the Moorestown Library was being factored into the construction financing of a new town hall/library complex.

We, the Trustees of the Friends of the Moorestown Library, want the Moorestown community to be more fully informed about our commitment.

The Friends do not supply “bricks and mortar” for the Library. We fund programs for Moorestonians of all ages — programs that happen inside the Library.

In 2010, the Friends participated in the planning for a new Library facility. The facility proposed at that time was well thought out, and well suited for those programs. The Board of the Friends of the Library pledged some of its funds for furnishings. — furnishings that also would support library programs. The furnishings would be provided only after construction was completed, We did not participate in the plans just presented to Council, but it appears that the $250,000 contribution references the pledge just described.

The programs we underwrite include all of the children’s, teen and adult reading programs, Jack’s Favorite movies, special event parties (i.e. Harry Potter party), an early literacy station, yoga at the library and National Library Week happenings.

The Friends are committed to continuing to provide programs that are familiar to our residents.

The Moorestown Friends of the Library meetings are open to the public and members of the Friends can participate at those meetings. Our next meeting is June 8, 2001 at 7:30 p.m. at the Library.

Trustees of the Friends of the Moorestown Library

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