Home Moorestown News John Comegno re-elected Bridge Commission chair

John Comegno re-elected Bridge Commission chair

Moorestown resident John Comegno was recently re-elected chairman by fellow Burlington County Bridge Commissioners Priscilla Anderson and Troy Singleton.

Comegno reaffirmed his commitment to safe, affordable bridges and tax relief for Burlington County residents. Priscilla B. Anderson was also re-elected to the position of Vice-Chairwoman.

“I’m proud to say that through this struggling economy, we’ve held the line on tolls,” said Chairman Comegno, “all while leveraging our resources for bridge improvements and innovations and leading the county in shared service initiatives like the Rancocas Creek cleanup which is saving Burlington County taxpayers millions of dollars.”

The Commission also adopted its annual notice of meetings, which includes evening meetings to make them more accessible to the public. Comegno also vowed to continue popular “on the road” meetings, which has brought Commission meetings to locations throughout the county.

Commissioners also affirmed their commitment to finding new and better ways to help the taxpayers of Burlington County, whether through the economic development department recently transferred from the county or through programs like its “Greenbacks to go Green” energy program.

“We want to be part of the solution, not part of the problem,” said Vice-Chairwoman Anderson. “Not raising tolls is a good start. But providing tax relief through our economic development programs will go a long way toward helping people get back on their feet financially.”

Commissioner Singleton added that the Commission should continue its efforts to be involved in programs that put residents to work.

“That’s one of my priorities — and a goal that so many of our hard-working citizens want to see made a reality. Through our tax-saving initiatives, we’ve saved Burlington County residents $14 million dollars — that’s a success story I want to keep writing,” Comegno added. “And as Chairman of the Bridge Commission, I plan to do just that.”

The Burlington County Bridge Commission manages the Tacony-Palmyra and Burlington-Bristol Bridges, and through its economic development and improvement authority powers, assists Burlington County municipalities in economic development and community revitalization projects and extends pooled financing options to local governments and nonprofits in Burlington County.

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