Home Marlton News Big plans to prevent fires

Big plans to prevent fires


Fire Prevention Week kicks off Oct. 3, and Marlton’s Fire Department has big plans.

“We traditionally start things off with the Marlton Fall Festival,” said Deputy Fire Chief David Knott. “We take advantage of the big event with displays and demonstrations.”

Many of the fire department’s programs and events throughout the month of October are geared toward children. The department delivers programs to children in the township’s elementary schools in grades K-5.

“We spend the whole month giving these programs,” Knott said. “Each one is specifically tailored for the age group attending it. By the time a child in Marlton reaches middle school they’ve got six to seven years of fire safety education.”

Knott believes it is important to begin instilling fire safety education at a young age.

“The earlier you can get to the kids and make a positive impression on them the better,” he said. “We want to instill safe practices in the children, and make sure they share it with their families.”

Knott ensures that younger children are given demonstrations of what firefighters look like in full turnout gear. Often, a firefighter’s air mask can scare children.

“It covers our faces, and makes a sound sort of like Darth Vader,” Knott said. “Sometimes in a house fire, a child will be frightened and hide from a firefighter, which makes it much more difficult to get them out.”

Some elementary school programs involve showing students the fire trucks, explaining equipment, and a fire prevention puppet show.

“Younger kids see the puppet show,” Knott said. “We have this excellent program where there are several skits for the puppets. They learn about not playing with fire, having an escape plan and what to do if your clothes catch on fire.”

Township third graders are given an assignment that requires them to create a home escape plan with their parents.

“Often adults are the worst offenders with fire safety,” said Knott. “The kids can often teach their parents. The time to discuss and practice is before you have a fire and no one’s prepared.”

The Marlton fire stations will be holding open houses to celebrate Fire Prevention Week. Kettle Run Station will hold its open house Oct. 6 from 6–9 p.m. Kings Grant Station on Oct. 8 from 6–9 p.m. and Main Street Station will hold theirs Oct. 2.

The department also uses a modified camper trailer filled with smoke to teach children to crawl beneath smoke and escape from a house fire.

Knott looks forward to showing the public the new fire trucks recently added to the fleet.

“They’re our pride and joy,” he said. “You don’t get to see new trucks too often these days, we can’t wait to show them off.”

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