Home Haddonfield News 2009 HMHS Salutatorian Address of Chenxi Lin

2009 HMHS Salutatorian Address of Chenxi Lin

As author T. Alan Armstrong said, “If there is no passion in your life, then have you really lived? Find your passion, whatever it may be. Become it, and let it become you, and you will find great things happen for you, to you, and because of you.” Every one of us has a passion, whether it is on a theatre stage, in a concert hall, on a track, in a stadium, or on a field. Through these passions, we let the world catch a glimpse of the great things we are capable of achieving. More importantly, we learn to express ourselves as individuals. It is when we feel the rushing adrenaline and the pumping heartbeats we find who we are. In those few / brief moments, we feel a sense of fulfillment. It does not matter if the note is perfectly on pitch or if the ball makes it into the goal. Our triumph does not depend on the outcome. We cannot always be the fastest runner, the strongest wrestler, the best violinist, or the most beautiful singer. But we are brave enough to follow our passions, and that is a testament to our courage, our strength, our maturity, and our energy.
As students at such an academically acclaimed high school, we face the intense pressure to get that A, to be accepted into the best university, and to compete in order to succeed. And I know we also pressure each other to be the most popular, the best dressed, the smartest, the most athletic. In the heat of these pressures, we can easily lose sight of what our passions are and, in turn, who we are as creative, strong, and mature individuals. But proudly standing here today with my class firmly behind me, I know we did not lose sight. Over the past four years, we, as the class of 2009, have been able to pour hearts and souls into Haddonfield Memorial High School. We have never forgotten how to have fun and how to express ourselves. HMHS has given us the opportunity to release our creativity, our energy, and our passion. Our teachers always reminded us to keep our heads high. They demanded so much from us because they knew we had the potential to succeed. Our parents have loved us regardless of what path we have chosen to walk.
And we have soared. Because we are so dedicated not only to academics, but also to athletics, arts, leadership, and service, I can say with confidence that we are one of the most holistic classes to walk through the halls of this high school. The number of state championship titles proudly demonstrates not only our commitment to athletics but also our willingness to work as a team to achieve something greater than what we can on our own. Our recent displays at Arts in the Courtyard give a peek into our extraordinary musical and artistic talents, and they show just how much devotion we put into the things we love. And finally, the sheer lengths of the Senior Awards and Varsity Awards ceremonies alone should stand as proof to our accomplishments. And we could not have done it without the loving support from everyone here today — teachers, faculty, parents, siblings, and, most importantly, each other.
On a personal level, I want to thank the people who have made my high school experience so memorable. My teachers and friends have never stopped giving me guidance and the support I needed, even through the toughest times. All of you have changed my life for better, and for that, I am eternally grateful. And as we all move on to the next and certainly even brighter phase of our lives, I know I will cherish all the memories we have shared together. To my sister, the most important person in my life, I know I could not have made it this far without your compassion, your laughter, and your love. I am so proud of you; you have certainly grown into a beautiful and mature young lady, and I know you will take this high school by storm next year. And to my parents, 爸,妈,我知道有的时候我有点倔强,有的时候脾气也不怎么好。但是,你们和凯莉是我的世界。我的所有。谢谢;我的心充满地爱。Thank you for everything, and I love you both.
As poet Christian Friedrich Hebbel says, “Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion.” For the class of 2009 sitting in front of you right now, that is exactly the case. Our passions took us to the greatest heights. And as a class, we graduate today with hearts full of gratitude and love for all of you who have helped us reach this point, which is, of course, only the beginning. And with that, I proudly present to you, the graduating class of 2009.

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